Poems for your Father’s Day newspaper

We don’t all have the gift of the gab. Sometimes we need a little help expressing how we feel, and that’s ok! So don’t be afraid to look up a fun poem or quote that perfectly describes your love for Dad and use it in your own Father’s Day newspaper.
Do you have young children? A Father’s Day newspaper is the parfect arts and crafts project! Maybe they’ve written a poem or made a drawing for Dad at school. Add these to your Father’s Day newspaper for a unique and personal touch!
Happiedays is an online tool that helps you incorporate text, images and other content into a particular newspaper design. You design, the Happiedays team prints and delivers.
Below, we’ve cited 3 of our favourite Father’s Day-themed poems. Copy these texts and place them in your Father’s Day newspaper template or use them as inspiration to create your own!
My Daddy
I sit and look back to how far I can remember,
And you are always there next to me.
Each and every day you were helping me grow up,
And making me be the best that I can be.
Your love was forever strong,
Your cuddles forever tight.
Every day since I was born,
Your love was always in sight.
I will always be your Baby Girl,
And you will always be my Dad.
I know I will always be the luckiest
To have the best Dad any girl could have had.
My Daddy, I love you with all my heart,
Much more than I ever say.
You are my world, my everything,
Each and every day.
In Her Eyes
The depth of a father's love shows in his daughter's eyes.
What's known is what's shown from sunset to sunrise.
A foundation built on more than just what is spoken.
It's commitments kept and promises that go unbroken.
An emotion so immense that nothing in this world can erase.
The permanent impression of love is tattooed upon her face.
A relation so peculiar that only the two can understand,
Yet so immaculate it's obvious that, by God, it was planned.
I believe it all began when she would sleep upon your chest.
Now you're her number one, her favorite, you're the best!
You move and she watches so closely it's as if she's in a trance.
The fact that she can repeat you, exactly, isn't just by chance.
From wrestling, racing, jump roping to being made up like a doll.
Both playmate and best friend, you've done some of it all.
A secret place, a look, special time just for her and you.
When a choice is to be made, it's all about what Daddy wants to do.
And you're there to cater to her every need and every wish.
There's an invisible pedestal for Daddy's little princess.
She's content just to be. She's filled with absolute bliss
Just to sit up under you, giving an occasional hug and kiss.
Sweet dreams are non-existent without Daddy's goodnight kiss.
Your gentle stroke, words just for her, your check on hers is what she'd miss.
It's simply because of how you love her, I surmise.
The depth of your love always shows in her eyes.
With you, her laughter is harder and her smile is even brighter.
You have a friendship, a bond, a soul tie that couldn't be any tighter.
It's more than a special bond; it's an exclusive connection.
No room for a third party or attempted interjection.
This love is reserved just for Dad and no other.
It's not the same for siblings, not even for Mother.
It's the kind of love that I could never despise.
For the depth of your love always shows in her eyes.
To her, you'd give anything, but it's not about the gift.
It's that marvelous smile brought on by the spirit you lift.
It's not about what you can give her or about what you can do.
It's about the unconditional love reciprocated between you two.
It's the tears in her eyes when you two disagree.
Nothing's quite right until 'I love you and I'm sorry.'
It's that spunk in her step, the rainbow in her eye-
You'll know she's a Daddy's girl when she passes by.
She's got the kind of love that never fades or dies.
The depth of your love always shows in her eyes.
Upon angel wings you soar; your sparkling golden halo glows
Whenever she's with you, it's Heaven in her eyes that shows.
Her eyes hold a song so beautiful you'd think it was Heaven's melody.
It's the music of love's symphony composed by each precious memory.
The love known is the love you've shown from sunset to sunrise.
The depth of your love will forever show in your daughter's eyes.
A Different Kind of Hero
He is not the kind of hero who is fighting in the war.
He is not one who sails offshore.
I don't call him Sergeant, Captain, or Sir.
His title is DAD; that is for sure!
He is the fixer of my broken things
And the household doctor when I get bee stings.
He picks me up when I fall down
And always turns my frown upside down.
He keeps me safe when I sleep at night.
He gives me seconds when I have a big appetite.
That's my Dad. That's who he is.
He deserves a medal for the things he did.